Online competitions in business simulations for students, managers, and entrepreneurs.

For Educators:

Organize an online competition in business simulation for your students. Easy to set up and run!

For Companies:

Game-based training events and motivational company games for employees and managers.

Simformer is a sponsor of the prestigious Serious Games Association conference

Simformer is joining the prestigious Serious Play Conference as a sponsor and exhibitor.  The conference will be held on July 21-23 at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA.

Educators, developers, and trainers will be able to meet Simformer’s representatives to talk about the application of simulations in business and education. Simformer will also perform demos of recent cases where the platform was used in the academic and business sectors.  Developers will learn how to develop courses, games and training programs based on the Simformer platform in the newly launched Simformer LMS.

The Serious Play Conference is a leadership conference for professionals who embrace the idea that games can revolutionize learning. For the fifth time, organizers invite speakers, who come from all parts of the globe, share their experience creating or using games in the corporation, classroom, healthcare institution, government and military and offer tips on how to move game-based education programs ahead.

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