Gamification platform for training

Organizing employee training and development
Organizing employee training and development is a very delicate process, and anyone who has ever been responsible for organizing corporate training sessions is well aware of that. On one hand, you have to include all the necessary information, on the other hand, you have to make sure employees have time, energy, and motivation to grasp and effectively use the information they acquired.
Gamification is a current trend in HR technologies.
The usage of gamification in employee training and assessment helps engage employees and keep them motivated even throughout a long-term learning period, thus not making the training of employees a mundane and boring process. Gamification makes every training session an exciting and eventful experience.
Gaming methods are suitable for every age. Gamification programs are able to engage and catch the attention of not only a younger generation who was raised on online games but also spark interest in more experienced colleagues. When wisdom and youth have a chance to come together in a virtual space, it promotes growth and motivates people to share their experiences.
Simformer Business Simulation (SBS) is a unique environment that allows organizing learning, training, and employee assessment. SBS, together with the powerful up-to-date LMS, is a foundation for developing various programs and events.
SBS is accessible 24/7, which makes it convenient to make various business decisions and save on HR expenses.
Simformer is an effective tool for searching, training, developing, and assessing employees as well as retaining talent in your company.