Simformer for courses authors and instructional designers
Simformer is a unique solution in the educational service market. Our online platform provides not only the transformation of knowledge into everyday practice, but also the development of practical skills in business management in conditions close to reality. Today it is the main requirement of customers in business education.

Simformer is based on the combined use of a classical LMS and flexible business simulation environment that allows development and integration of practically any course or training.
We are ready to share our experience with authors, creators, deveopers and designers of courses and trainings.
If you develop or lead:
- Buisness training
- Seminars
- Educational courses
- Teambuilding courses
- Students contests and competitions
- Careerguidance events.

Simformer will help you to:
- Create and support educational and training products at anytime, anywhere
- Make your educational products dynamic and exciting
- Unify separate products into complex educational solutions
- Join the cutting-edge trend in new educational technologies
- Automate the process of analyzing the results of training
- Reach a new audience
- Earn revenue from the sale of your courses at our marketplace.